
Upload form data with file using Multer & MYSQL in NextJs

The previous tutorial taught you how to create API endpoints to filter MYSQL database, pagination, and protect the API using middleware. This tutorial teaches you how to upload user form data with image file using Multer and delete data from MYSQL database. From the project folder, execute the following command to install Multer: npm install multer Then open api/user/[slug].js file to add post, put, and delete routes. To use multer to parse request body and upload files, you need to disable default body parser by setting bodyParser to false. We use diskStorage() function from multer to configure local storage and file name. Multer needs file field and max count of the file to be uploaded. In this project, we use array() function to specify file field (photo) and the max count of the file to be uploaded (1).  We can access text parts of a submitted form data by extracting body from the request. To access file parts, you need to extract files from the request. ..... import bcry...

Protect APIs & Data filtering & paging in NextJs & MYSQL

In the earlier tutorial, you learnt to authentication with JWT by allowing a visitor to create an user account and login to the web app. Now, i am going to show how to protect APIs using a middleware and do data filtering and paging in NextJs with MYSQL database. In the middleware folder, create auth.js file. The auth.js is a middleware. In the middleware, we specify routes to be protected, extract token from request header and verify the token using verifyToken function defined in middleare/utils.js file. middleware/auth.js import nextConnect from 'next-connect' ; import { verifyToken } from './utils' ; const middleware = nextConnect(); /* Set restricted routes or apis */ const restricted = [ '/api/user/[slug]' , '/api/user/list' ]; export default middleware.use(async (req, res, next) => { let authHeader = req.headers.authorization || '' ; let user = {}; if ( ! restricted.includes(req.url) && ! authHeader)...